Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Stream Simulation

meandering stream to oxbow lake simulation

Stream table as physical geomodeling which be able to show directly about fluvial and deltaic system. The stream table has been used for geomodeling by many geoscientist, especially for application between theory and practice. in geoscience this device consist of box that filled by kind of sands which flumed by water.
Probably stream modeling can help geoscientists are easy to explain to student about fluvial n deltaic morphology. The Fluvial system are formed with stream table such as meandering stream system, braided stream system, straight, anastomosing system, and oxbow lake. Beside that, stream table can also explain about deltaic system.
In sedimentology laboratory, Department of Geological Engineering UPN"Veteran"Yogyakarta the stream table is the new device and practice for student.

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